MA SODA graduation workC O is not a piece, nor performance, neither it is a show. This is a participatory event, where guests are offered two different sets of unspoken rules as a starting point to act, play and explore. The is designed in a way to let participants create their own reality within a theatre space.
CO is initially produced for a very spacious black box studio 14 in Ufersudios, Berlin. The studio is divided in two parts by 2 layers of black curtains. Participants are invited to a short preliminary meeting in the office of Cocompany to be registered for the main event. During the registration, they go through a conversation that reminds a psychological test eithe psychomagic exercises, or a recruiting an agent for a specific mission. During this meeting, participants are secretly divided in 2 groups. At the day of the main event each group is guided to the space through different doors. Soon they find out (from the beginning it is not obvious) that the other group is behind the curtain participating in another event…
There is also a special “transferring service” arranged between the halves of the room, despite of the rising curiosity not everyone can use this opportunity.
Created by Evgenia Chetvertkova and collaborators
Lights: Hanna Kritten Tangsoo Sound design: Whizard Ashdod
Performance: David Mariano Chaho, Violetta Morozenko, Olga Sergeeva, Daniella Schmidtke, Lea Garcia, Mark Lagies, Christin Bolte, Dorota Michalak, Borys Slovikovsky, Olympia Bukkakis, Kiana Rezvani photo: Marc Seestaedt
Mentors: Alice Chauchat, Diego Agullo, Tutor: Sophia New
detailed description