An interactive group performance created with and performed by PoemaTheatre for F.ACT festival. For me as a choreographer this piece was an attept to create a structure based only on group dance scores. Inspite of the fact that each time dancers executed a pretty abstract technical movement score spectators found there many meaningfull moments and a source for interpreation and associations. The end of the world, dlobal flood, animal kingdom, Soviet Union were among them.

choreography: Evgenia Chetvertkova
performance: Aleksey Kirsanov, Liza Vladimiriva, Maria Tirskaja, Vladimir Ermachenkov, Milya Kashapova, Violetta Morozenko, Nazar Rakhmanov, Alina Lotkova, Tanya Altapova, Olesya Zhuravleva, Karina Zinchenko
sound: Vladimir Derevjanko
images: Svetlana Seleznava, Sergey Kirtikov
Moscow, 2016
performance: Aleksey Kirsanov, Liza Vladimiriva, Maria Tirskaja, Vladimir Ermachenkov, Milya Kashapova, Violetta Morozenko, Nazar Rakhmanov, Alina Lotkova, Tanya Altapova, Olesya Zhuravleva, Karina Zinchenko
sound: Vladimir Derevjanko
images: Svetlana Seleznava, Sergey Kirtikov
Moscow, 2016