Birthday Party
detailed descriptionThe performance functions as series of small actions. It is important for us to create space in between fiction and reality so the participantsare never sure if the action is a part of a performance or not.
Each of the visitors walks through a certain route:
1. waiting at the staircase. accompanied by a planted performer, responcible for facilitating micro events among memebers of the group 2. walking 3 floors up acompanied by another participant (planted performer) 3. Choosing whether to take a pill before entering the Attic or not 4. Listening to the mysterious voice, sitting in front of the mirrior, asking who’s reflrction is there.
5. Conversaton with a lady under the table. She has all polaroid portraits of participants, but cant find any similarity, as if those were different people 6. Interview with a magician (a life musician) who puts confessions of participantd on music in real time 7. Waiting in the waiting room being paired with another participant 8. taking place of one of the performers (optional) 9. Celebrating Birthday with other partcicpants, sitting around the table